Aging: Better Than The Alternative? How Does It Happen?

Every once in awhile I look around various places on the internet to see what I may be missing. I came upon this video about aging this morning and found it interesting. Check it out for yourself.

Face it: we live in an anti-aging society. The only actual alternative to aging is death, though, so why fight aging? Why not embrace it with dignity and enthusiasm? We’re free to live to the best of our ability, to seize the moment and enjoy it as it is now, even if we have wrinkles and our hair is gray. I had a brush with death before I was 10 years old, my younger brother died in his early 20s, my older brother died in his early 40s, and my sister is a cancer survivor. I’ll take the age. Gray? Bring it!

This is my last post of 2014. Let’s go out on a positive note, live in this moment, and also eagerly anticipate the gifts of 2015. Yes, we’ll eagerly embrace the wrinkles, age spots, gray hair along with the opportunity to breathe fresh air, to love, to learn, and simply to be. Happy New Year!


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