What would it take for added years to be a gift and not a burden?

What’s your vision of what it would be like to live a really great life that lasts a century or more? Have you really thought about it? We hear phrases like , “60’s the new middle age,” but do we really know what that means? I also hear people complain that, “getting old’s not for sissies or wimps.” I agree. There are some challenges as our bodies begin to simply wear out. Sore joints, weak muscles, poor night vision, loss of mental acuity are just a few examples. Healthy lifestyle choices like diet and exercise can slow or minimize some of these symptoms, but in the end we’re all going to die. That’s just the way it is.

While you’re still alive, though, what’s a great life? Go ahead and imagine it now. Think about what you look like, how you feel, what you enjoy eating and doing, where you live, who the people in your life are. Add as much detail as you can. How much money do you have? Do you have a good relationship with your doctor? Do you have access to the things and services you need, and to what you want? Remember, I said a great life, one where you’re thriving and not just surviving.

If you don’t have the people, services, and things you need, how can you get these? You probably can’t get everything all at once, but think of the steps you can take to move you closer to having what you need. Of course, if you need help, please ask someone. A great life is not lived in isolation.

A Great Life Includes Others

A Great Life Includes Others

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