Monthly Archives: February 2015

Remembering My Mother

Today I’m remembering Maxine Gallagher, my mother. She departed this earth on February 19, 2014, one year ago today. Sometimes remembering is all we can do. If someone you love is old, in fragile health, take some time to remember with them the good things they added to your life, the lessons they taught you, the gifts they gave. Do ... Read More »

‘Tis the Season for Giving but Please Don’t Give it to Me

Let’s see. So far we’ve had Black Friday that started on Thursday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and today is Giving Tuesday. The stores are playing Christmas music, the aisles are packed with way more stuff than during the rest of the year, and retailers want our money. On Black Friday my husband and I bought a can of stain ... Read More »

The Good Old Days: Remember When . . . ?

“Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.” Anaïs Nin, Winter of Artifice As I continue to go through things I’ve inherited and to clean out things I simply stuffed into some ... Read More »

Stay or Go? Which Choice is Right?

Last night a friend (we’ll call her “Heather”) and her husband “Alan” came over for dinner. We had a lovely evening with good food and good conversation. I found myself thinking back to Still Alice, the movie I saw last weekend about a woman trying to hang onto as much of herself as she could while early onset dementia crept ... Read More »