When I was young I thought of older women as grannies. My grandmother wore her housedress most of the time. I never saw her wear slacks until I was a teenager and the extended family was at a lake in Minnesota where the adults, including my grandmother, were fishing. I guess when you’re in a rowboat catching slippery fish you don’t have to wear a dress.
Then there were the librarians, strict and prim with tiny pinched faces and hair in a tidy bun. I’m sure they didn’t all look like that, but that’s the image engraved in my memory.
Times have changed! My daughter, a costume and fashion designer www.juliemichaelnewyork.com, keeps me informed about such things. Check this out: i-d.vice.com/en_gb/article/whats-fuelling-the-stylish-senior-revolution . Now if I just could find the right stylish clothes to fit me, I could join the revolution. How about you?