This has been a big week for me. We left caring for the elderly relatives to our siblings and went to Nashville to celebrate 30 years of marriage and my husband’s 60th birthday. What a fantastic trip. We went to the Grand Ol’ Opry, a lifelong dream for me. We went to more bars and honkytonks than a non-drinking woman should ever visit, and we heard some of the old great country songs along with the up and coming music.
One question came to mind over and over. Why did I wait so long? What got in the way of my visiting this seat of country music, always one of my favorite genres, for so many years? What haven’t you done that you’ve long wanted to do? How can you make it happen, and sooner than later? Sure, saving for retirement, having the necessities like food, shelter, and medical care are important. Just remember: there’s more to life than that.