My sister recently brought me a box of newspaper clippings from my mother’s estate. Among the old, yellowed newspaper I found something dated 1938. I can’t tell what paper it came from, only that the author is Edgar A. Guest. His words ring as true today as they did when they were written.
As we age we experience more and more loss. People long for “the good old days” when things were better, at least as far as they remember. Our challenge is to find a way to live as long as our bodies breathe and our hearts beat. We have a 100% guarantee that our bodies will eventually wear out. So far, no one’s gotten out of life alive.
What are you doing to make this day a day of life? If you’re among the living dead, what needs to happen in order for that to change? Do you need to connect with others, ask for some help? Do you need to reconnect with what’s good within yourself? What other ideas do you have?